Get ready to align with a way of eating
that is designed
by you!
FOOD FOR YOU: 1.5 hr $187.50
Intuitive Food Focused Follow Up. Available to current clients in their Practice Better Portal. This is a follow up for those who need the answer to the question "What do I eat?" Perhaps you have already learned some ways to 'eat better', tried allergy testing, eliminated food, followed diets, etc, but you are still struggling with symptoms, and want to understand what foods truly work for you. No more standard protocol or diet plan. Your body knows what it needs to feel good, and what it doesn't. Myia can help you figure this out. As an intuitive, applied kinesiology practitioner & nutritionist, Myia will connect & communicate with your body and subconscious, testing up to 1000 food & beverage items, to find out your unique needs, what foods are not in alignment with your health, what foods are, what your body wants to to eat more of, what it needs to avoid. You will also learn how long your body needs to change your eating patterns so that you feel better. Once you can learn what your body needs for fuel, you can then align. |
Your session will give you answers & a timeline and Myia will follow up in up to 2 business days with a written report that you can print out as a handy PDF. You will also have access to and online food & mood log for your own accountability if you desire so you can track how you feel when transitioning to a way of eating that your body desires for you.
Meal plans are not provided.
Meal plans are not provided.